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2020-21 School Year Updates

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

Third Street Families,

A few important updates regarding the upcoming 2020-21 school year.

Device Distribution

To ensure that all 3rd Street Elementary students have access to online learning this coming 2020-21 school year, 3rd Street Elementary is offering IPADS to all ETK, TK, K, PAL, SDC, and Grade 1 students and Friends of Third is making Chromebooks available for all grade 2-5 students.

Please note that Friends of Third’s inventory of Chromebooks is limited and while the Chromebooks do not have any unique applications or programs installed specifically for distance learning, they all have a web camera and can access the internet, which will be sufficient for students to participate in distance learning.

Devices will be distributed between 9-11 AM on Friday, August 14 by the main entrance along the west side of June Street.

To request a device for the 2020-21 school year, please follow the steps in the attached.

Classroom Assignments

2020-21 classroom assignments will be posted on our school’s website,, under the parent info tab. The link will become active beginning at 9 AM on Tuesday, August 11. When prompted for the password, type the password that was e-mailed to you to gain access to the classroom assignment section.

Instructional Materials Pick-Up

Save the Date! ETK, TK, K, grade 1-2, PAL, and Special Day Class instructional materials pick-up will take place on Monday, August 17. Grade 3-5 instructional materials pick-up will take place on Tuesday, August 18. Additional details are forthcoming and will be provided by Wednesday, August 12.

School Supply Lists

Distance learning school supply lists will be posted on the school’s website, in the quick links section, by Tuesday, August 11. Please note that families that are unable to provide their child with any of the requested supplies can request to have them provided by the school.


3rd Street Elementary

201 S. June Street 

Los Angeles, California 90004


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