Students wishing to attend 3rd Street Elementary are required to live within 3rd Street’s attendance area. To determine if you live in our attendance area, please go to LAUSD’s School Finder to check your address. The administration diligently verifies the address information of all incoming and currently enrolled students. Students with falsified addresses will immediately be transferred to their home school.
If 3rd Street Elementary is your home school (school of residence), simply come to the office and enroll your child. If 3rd Street Elementary is not your home school, please see below for enrollment information for non-resident students. The office is available to assist you with enrollment between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
ETK / TK / K Age Requirements
Expanded Transitional Kindergarten - child must turn 5 between September 2, 2025 and September 1, 2025.
Transitional Kindergarten – child must be 5 years old between Sept 2, 2025 - April 2, 2025
Kindergarten - child must be 5 years old on or before Sept 1, 2020
Enrollment Requirements
1. Identification
State identification (driver’s license, DMV ID Card, Passport, court order)
LAUSD does not accept telephone bills or driver’s licenses as proof of residence. Any documentation offered as proof of residence must show the name of the parent/legal guardian, a current date and the residence address. (Resource: LAUSD’s Attendance Manual Policy & Procedures… [March 2013Version 3.0], Appendix D-1a).
2. Current Verification of Residency
Rental or lease agreement or property tax bill, AND utility service bill (gas, electric, or water)
3. Other Required Documents for Registration (required upon returning completed registration packet):
Immunization Requirements – Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth Grade (LAUSD BUL-1660.8):
Immunization Requirements - Pre-kindergarten (LAUSD BUL-1660.8):
Student’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or court order
Student’s immunization record (see below)
Immunization Requirements – Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth Grade (LAUSD BUL-1660.8):
OPV or IPV: 4-6 years old: 4 doses (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday); 7-17 years old: 4 doses (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 2nd birthday)
DTP: 4-6 years old: 5 doses of DTap, DTP, or DT (4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday); 7-17 years old: 4 doses of DTaP, DTP, DT, Tdap, or Td (3 doses OK if last dose was given on or after 2nd birthday)
MMR or MMR-V: 4-6 years old: 2 doses (Both given on or after 1st birthday. Only one dose of mumps and rubella vaccines are required if given separately); 7-17 years old: 1 dose (Dose given on or after 1st birthday. Mumps vaccine is not required if given separately.)
Hep B or HBV: 4-6 years old: 3 doses
Varicella (chickpox, VAR, MMR-V, or VZV): 4-6 years old: 1 dose; 7-17 years old: 1 dose for ages 7-12 years
Immunization Requirements - Pre-kindergarten (LAUSD BUL-1660.8):
OPV or IPV: 3 doses
DTaP or DTP: 4 doses
MMR: 1 dose on or after 1st birthday
Hib: 1 dose on or after 1st birthday (only required for children less than 4 years, 6 months)
Hep B or HBV: 3 doses
Varicella (chickenpox, VAR or VZV): 1 dose
Enrollment Information for Non-Resident Students (PERMITS)
Students who live outside of our area of residence may apply for a permit. There are two types of permits: intra-district and inter-district.
Intra-district Permit Transfers (school-to-school transfers within LAUSD)
3rd Street Elementary School is in the Los Angeles Unified School District. If you live within LAUSD but 3rd Street is NOT your home school, you need to complete an intra-district permit application and submit any additional proof as outlined here. The intra-district permit may also be obtained from 3rd Street or your home school. Please note that the intra-district permit application requires that you first obtain your resident school principal’s signature followed by one from 3rd Street’s Principal Lee.
Permits are granted for the categories below:
Child Care (Provider resides within 3rd Street school boundaries. Childcare affidavit form)
Parent Employment (One parent/guardian is employed within the 3rd Street school boundaries)
Specialized Program - Expanded Transitional/ Transitional Kindergarten (UTK students whose resident school does not offer an UTK program)
Sibling (K-5 students who have a sibling already attending 3rd Street school)
Exception - School discretion due to extenuating circumstances
Inter-district Permit Requests (permitting in from another district outside LAUSD)
3rd Street Elementary School is in the Los Angeles Unified School District. If you live outside LAUSD boundaries, you will need to complete an inter-district permit application and submit it online. Questions about Inter-District Permits? Call their department directly at (213) 202-7581.
Requests for permits may be submitted to the main office after March 10. Students applying for a SAS permit will be notified by TBD. Acceptance notifications for all other permits will go out beginning in mid-March.
Please note that permit applications are not automatically granted and are dependent upon space availability and other factors.
School For Advanced Studies (SAS)
Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) is a designation given to resident K-12 schools for exemplary implementation of Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) services and support. By providing high-quality differentiated instruction with an emphasis on depth, complexity, acceleration and novelty, SAS sites offer high-level academic opportunities that meet the unique educational needs of K–12 gifted learners, identified in the Intellectual, High Achievement, Specific Academic, Creative and Leadership Ability categories or verified based on critical thinking/achievement.
Students are eligible for 3rd Street’s SAS program if they meet ONE of the following criteria:
1. Be identified as gifted by an L.A. Unified designated GATE psychologist in the Intellectual, High Achievement, Specific Academic, Creative, or Leadership Ability Category. (Grades 1-5 only)
2. Scored in the Standard Exceeded range on the 2018 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) or received a national percentile score of 85% or above on a District-approved standardized norm-referenced test (most recent year only) in both total reading and total math. (Grades 3-5 only)
3. Demonstrates the ability or strong potential to work two years above grade level in academic subjects AND the ability to meet ALL FOUR of these critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their primary language (Grades K-5):
Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
Kindergarten SAS applicants must also meet of minimum of 10 out of 20 of the following criteria:
Can work independently with evidence of goal-directed behavior
Uses descriptive words in sentences and uses language to express emotions, ideas, and opinions (in primary language)
Can tell or retell a story with detailed description and expression (in primary language)
Can recognize and repeat complex patterning sequences and create own patterns
Can follow multi-step directions with little guidance or redirection
Identifies the letters A to Z, knows the sounds of all of the letters of the alphabet, and can write many of the letters
Able to orally count to 100, visually identify numbers from 1 to 100, and write numbers 1 to 25
Demonstrates innate or accelerated understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Able to remember information and experiences (e.g., can recite song lyrics, recall facts, etc.) and make connections
Able to recognize sight words and read with fluency and comprehension
Demonstrates strong concern for others and their feelings; strong sense of justice
Initiates play sessions, coordinates and integrates multiple complementary roles, and considers the actions of others
Uses unconventional objects in play activities
Interacts easily with peers; frequently sought out by peers for companionship, ideas, and decisions
Demonstrates mature sense of humor; responds to and creates riddles and verbal associations
Demonstrates evidence of reasoning, logical thinking, creativity, and spontaneous incorporation of academic activities into free play
Expresses ideas, seeks information through questioning, and enjoys interacting verbally with adults and older children
Demonstrates advanced task commitment and energy when learning
Able to remember complex information and decode symbolic systems (e.g., maps, codes, etc.)
Demonstrates curiosity; displays unexpected depth of knowledge in one or more areas
Students residing within the SAS site’s boundaries:
Students residing within the school boundaries of a designated SAS site who meet the eligibility criteria will be placed in our school’s SAS program (unless opted out by parent). Grade K-5 resident students interested in enrolling in the school’s SAS program must inform the office when enrolling. The school will then proceed to verify the student’s eligibility.
Students residing outside of 3rd Street boundaries (but within L.A. Unified boundaries):
For the 2025-2026 school year, all L.A. Unified students in grades PreK–12 who reside outside school boundaries and who meet the eligibility criteria are eligible to apply for SAS participation through the Choices process at either https://apply.lausd.net/ or http://echoices.lausd.net/. The early application widow opens on October 1 and closes on November 15. The “Late Application” window opens on February 3.
In addition to the process above, some applicants may have to submit additional documentation. Prior to submitting an application, please review closely the following to ensure that your application is complete.
Incoming Kindergarten Students:
If your child meets all four critical thinking and problem-solving skills please have the school that your child is currently enrolled in complete the Verification of Eligibility form and SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist.
Once the Verification of Eligibility and SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist have been completed by the school, parents/guardians or school site personnel must submit the completed and signed form(s) by Friday, November 15, 2024, at 5 pm in a sealed official school envelope with the principal’s signature across the sealed side by:
U.S. Mail:
Unified Enrollment
P.O. Box 513307
Los Angeles, CA 90051
Hand Deliver:
L.A. Unified Headquarters/Unified Enrollment
25th floor reception desk
333 S. Beaudry Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
NOTE: Prior to the deadline of Friday, November 15, 2024, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call the Choices Support Line at (213) 241-4177 to confirm receipt of the completed forms. Parents/guardians will not automatically be notified when forms are received.
Incoming Grade 1-5 Students Currently Enrolled in a LAUSD School:
Additional verification forms are not required for students currently enrolled in LAUSD (except LAUSD independent charter schools). Upon receipt of the Choices application, the District automatically verifies eligibility through District school records and the District’s online verification process. Parents/guardians must make sure student qualifies before submitting application.
Incoming Grade 1-5 Students Currently Enrolled in a private school, independent charter, or non- L.A. Unified school:
Please have the school that your child is currently enrolled in complete the Verification of Eligibility form.
Once the Verification of Eligibility has been completed by the school, parents/guardians or school site personnel must submit the completed and signed form(s) by Friday, November 15, 2024, in a sealed official school envelope with the principal’s signature across the sealed side by:
U.S. Mail:
Unified Enrollment
P.O. Box 513307
Los Angeles, CA 90051
Hand Deliver:
L.A. Unified Headquarters/Unified Enrollment
25th floor reception desk
333 S. Beaudry Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
NOTE: Prior to the deadline of Friday, November 15, 2024, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call the Choices Support Line at (213) 241-4177 to confirm receipt of the completed forms. Parents/guardians will not automatically be notified when forms are received.
For additional information regarding the application and student selection process or for information regarding verification of eligibility, refer to the 2024-2025 Choices brochure, call the Choices Support Line at (213) 241-4177 or visit echoices.lausd.net.
Korean Dual Language Program (KDLP)
Families interested in coming to 3rd Street for our Korean dual language program for the 2024-2025 school year will have to apply online between October 1 and November 15 at:
Parents who miss the first application window may apply during the late application window which opens on TBD. Further information about the application process, guideline and selection criteria can be found at: http://echoices.lausd.net/DLP/DlpLottery. A Dual Language FAQ is also avaialble at http://echoices.lausd.net/Home/faq?d=1.
Tours and Key Dates
All in-person prospective parent tours are currently on hold. In-person tour dates to be determined. Please sign up for one of the upcoming school tours here.
Monday, October 2: Early registration window for Korean Dual Language Program, SAS, and Gifted Magnet Center (grades 3-5) opens at eChoices.lausd.net.
Beginning March 10, 2025: Intra-District Permit application window for 2025-26 opens.
Monday, March 3, 2025: TK/Kindergarten registration window opens. Enrollment assistance available in the main office between 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2025: Grade 1-5 registration window opens. Enrollment assistance between 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Friday, May 3, 2025: Permit acceptance notification window for all categories opens.
© 2018 - Third Street Elementary