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Daily Pass

It is not required to generate a Daily Pass QRcode in order to enter school campuses.The Daily Pass portal will continue to be used to upload COVID-19 rapid antigen test results and vaccinations, monitor positive cases, and to notify close contacts
of a person who has tested positive.

Student COVID-19 Testing

For the 2022-23 school year, there is no weekly school site PCR testing for students and employees. All symptomatic and asymptomatic testing sites have been closed. In lieu of weekly testing, LAUSD is pivoting to Response Testing and Rapid Antigen Tests. Response testing means only those who present with symptoms, or who have been exposed to a confirmed positive case (inside or outside of school or work), will be required to test with a rapid antigen test, or PCR test through their healthcare provider. Additionally, individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 and need to return from isolation
early (after Day 5 and before Day 10) will also be required to test with a rapid antigen test.

Who and When to Test.JPG

ONLY positive test results need to be uploaded into the Daily Pass at, with a photo of the test kit that includes the following information written on a separate piece of paper:


  • The individual’s full legal name

  • The individual’s date of birth

  • Test date

  • Test result (“POSITIVE”)

  • Individual’s last date on site


An instructional video can be found by clicking on “How to Upload an Antigen Test Result” at:

At this time, rapid antigen tests are only available to current Los Angeles Unified students and employees. The District is not able to provide rapid antigen tests to family or household members. Family members who wish to test may visit their health care provider, or a local pharmacy, or visit to locate the nearest County-run testing site. 

Exposure Management

Protocols for Asymptomatic Close Contacts:

Student close contacts, regardless of vaccination status, and employee close contacts, regardless of booster status, can remain at school or work following exposure to a positive case as long as they monitor for symptoms and remain asymptomatic, wear a highly protective mask at all times indoors (except when eating or drinking) for 10 days following the last date of exposure, and test negative with an at-home rapid antigen test between 3-5 days after last date of exposure. Asymptomatic students and staff close contacts who recovered from a recent positive COVID-19 case within the last 90 days are exempt from testing but must wear a highly protective mask at school/work around others indoors for 10 days after the last date of exposure. This guidance also applies to all Early Education and Care programs and settings.


Protocols for Positive Test Results:


  • If an individual tests positive on a rapid antigen test, they should contact the school (office and teacher) and upload the result onto the Daily Pass.

  • Individuals who test positive must isolate at home and may be released from isolation on Day 6, provided:

    • symptoms are improving;

    • they are fever-free for the past 24 hours without fever-reducing medication;

    • they have a negative test result from a rapid antigen test taken on or after Day 5; and

    • they upload the negative test result to Daily Pass

  • If the individual who tests positive is asymptomatic, Day 0 of isolation is the day the individual was tested. Day 1 is the first full day following the day the individual was tested.

  • If the individual is symptomatic, Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when the individual tested positive. Day 1 is the first full day following the day that symptoms started.


Shortened Isolation for Positive Individuals:

  • Employees eligible for shortened isolation (returning after Day 5) are required to wear a highly protective mask at all times in the workplace around others, except when eating or drinking, for 10 days after the date of the positive test.

  • Students ending isolation early (after Day 5) are strongly recommended to wear a highly protective mask when around others, except when eating or drinking, for 10 days after the date of the positive test


Guidance for Household Close Contacts:

Individuals who are continuously exposed at home to a positive household member can remain at school or work as long as they are asymptomatic, test negative 3-5 days after the positive household member’s first day of isolation, and wear a highly protective mask at all times indoors (except when eating) for the duration of the positive household member's isolation period and for 10 full days after the positive case closes. This protocol also applies to all Early Education and Care programs and



Indoor masking is strongly recommended, but not required, for employees, students and visitors at Los Angeles Unified elementary, secondary and adult school campuses and in all non-school locations (including school buses and vans), with some exceptions. This protocol also applies to all Early Education and Care programs and settings, except for children under 2 years of age who should not wear masks.

3rd Street Elementary

201 S. June Street 

Los Angeles, California 90004


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