Beyond The Bell (LAUSD-sponsored)
LAUSD offers general supervision, at no cost, for children in Grades 2 through 5 each afternoon from dismissal until 6 pm as part of its Youth Services Beyond the Bell Program. This consists of a trained supervisor who oversees the children who are on the school play structures and in the athletic yard. To apply for the program, please complete the application and turn it into the office. Hard copies of the application are also available in the office.
Kindergarteners and 1st Graders are not eligible for participation in Beyond the Bell and must be picked up directly from their teachers! They are NOT allowed to be on the yard after school without their parents or a caregiver.

JMG SportsWise has been providing 3rd Street Elementary Students high level sports instructions for the past 5 years for all ages! Our Lead Coaches have played Pro, Semi Pro, Collegiate or Club Team and have trained in Early Childhood Development and GROWTH MINDSET. Through role modeling, communication and a FUN, age appropriate curriculum, they reinforce empathy, socialization and grit, building on skills already being taught.
This school year we are offering sports such as soccer, flag football, multi-sport, volleyball and tee-ball. Each sport meets 45min-1hr, once a week for 10-11 weeks. Class sizes are limited for safety and personal attention and held at 3rd Street. When Covid restrictions lift, we’ll resume interscholastic game days.
Register at:

Kids Ko-R (Independent - Fee Based)
Kid's Kor Academy is an after-school learning hub for students on the grounds of Third Street Elementary School. It offers enrichment classes, homework assistance and holiday camps throughout the year. Kid's Kor has been an integral part of 3rd Street School, operating after-school programs on the campus for more than 20 years.
Their dedicated staff is passionate about creating the best possible environment for children to learn, play and thrive. All are welcome! Visit for more information.
Please do not contact the school office regarding Kid's Kor, as this service is not affiliated with LAUSD or the Third Street School administration. Kid's Kor is not sponsored by LAUSD or the administration of Third Street School.

Off-Campus After-School Programs (Independent)
Some families arrange after-school care for their children via private, off-campus organizations which pick up children at the school. Private after-school programs pick up students in Grades 2-5 at June Street A (kindergarteners and 1st Graders are picked up directly from their teacher at their respective classrooms). At no time are students to wait outside the school entrances.